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Mobile Marketing

Pay Per Click (PPC) Management

Conversion Rate Optimization

Email Marketing

Online Presence Analysis

Fell Free To contact Us
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info@your business.com

184 Main Collins Street West Victoria 8007


Web Design

Web Design

Building a new website or migrating a website to the WordPress CMS from Wix, Square Space, Joomla, Shopify and other platforms are typical requests as well as adding eCommerce capabilities to existing sites who now want to sell products more directly to online visitors.

Our Web Design services are usually in support of another project or campaigns for our clients such as website tweaks for SEO campaigns, or creating landing pages for PPC campaigns or for Programmatic campaigns like Display Ads and Video Pre-Roll runs. It’s not uncommon for us to also update the theme, plug-ins and other tools as part of our website services. Another area of activity for us has been around making websites and landing pages ADA compliant since it involves multiple skill sets to properly audit and then correct issues that span from visual design to SEO and coding. Websites that are consistently adding pages and content should do these ADA audits every so often to avoid legal consequences for having such as dynamic site.

Another common occurrence is how to properly collapse or combine existing web pages since doing this improperly could lead to errors and/or hurting organic traffic to the overall website. A carefully planned strategy needs to be designed and approved prior to an undertaking like this as businesses seek to clean-up their existing site or wish to apply reverse Search Engine Optimization tactics to their site in order to suppress certain pages or content.

We are also able to build custom web applications or handle certain coding needs such as customizing a WordPress theme or adding tracking codes and pixel tracking for campaigns. Custom coding projects and application development for the web and mobile often gets overlooked when assessing a web design firm, since this takes programming resources that most web designers are not capable of servicing. Of course, if hosting is needed as well, we can handle this for clients to simplify the entire process. Our hosting programs offer more than what you get for GoDaddy, Host Gator, BlueHost and other hosting providers and is helmed by a former GoDaddy and Google employee. Furthermore, our rates are constant and don’t apply promotional offers to suck clients in which is common with most large hosting firms.

Lastly, if clients need help with logos, acquiring content such as videos and images or even writing web pages for clients, we’re able to take that on when our clients are time constrained and willing to give us latitude creatively and with the website, copy to accelerate the delivery of a project.  Of course, we also recommend at least doing some basic SEO in order for the site to be properly indexed and found once the site build is ready for launch.


How to get started to achieve your sales, leads or design needs?

Contact us today and share your needs to achieve success with one of our team members. We can provide a FREE analysis of your website or a FREE consultation to hit your business goals. We are excited to earn your business!

Free Analysis

Our Process to Success

Our team of marketing, sales, and business development gurus can customize a business strategy within the context of your goals. We can offer a third party view to your marketing or sales strategy that may not be explored or be underutilized, provided under a consulting engagement.

Initial Consultation

Our business relationship launches with an interactive review of your business, market, competition, reasons for the project(s), the demographics desired, timing, budget, and goals. We then mutually come to an agreement on the cost, terms, and deliverables if we wish to proceed forward.


The on-boarding stage does require active participation from all parties in order to be more precise in the targeting, layout, design, content configuration, set-up, and goals. Depending on the project, substantial research may be needed along with an assessment of acquisition time and costs


Our team manages each campaign and project, which ranges from recurring monthly services to one-time efforts. There is always a producer and either campaign manager or project manager involved with any service we provide.


We like to measure the performance of our campaigns, programs, and custom design and build projects since it helps us optimize those efforts so that we can make more intelligent decisions while including our clients to be an active part of the assessment. We both thrive when both parties are engaged throughout the entire process lifecycle, which then evolves our business relationship into other opportunities to work together. Our goal is to always add value so that we are a key part of each client's successful team.